Saturday, April 26, 2014

Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure

Checklists Before Complaining

All complaints are taken very seriously. While complaints about police performance or behavior are never pleasant for any of the parties involved, it is important that we deal with each complaint in a systematic and fair manner. Any shortfalls in performance are worth highlighting as they should lead to improvements in the future.
There are clear procedures for handling complaints against Police Officers or general citizens. The Complaints Department handles complaints against Police Officers and the Head of the police station (S.I.) deals with complaints against public of the Mysore City. Any complaint against the P.I should be raised with the Commissioner Of Mysore City Police.
Should I Make a Complaint?
If you think that a police officer has behaved incorrectly or unfairly then you have the right to complain.
First decide what you need to complain. For example were they rude to you? Did they use excessive force? Were you unlawfully arrested? Were your rights abused? In these or other circumstances you are entitled to complain. Unless there are exceptional circumstances.
What should my complaint say?
  • When it happened ?
  • What happened ?
  • What was done ?
  • What was said ?
  • Whether there were any witnesses other than yourself and the officers ?
  • Where can the witnesses be contacted ?
  • What proof exists of any damage or injury ?
How do I make a complaint?
Go into any police station where you will be seen by the senior officer on duty, probably an Sub-Inspector (S.I.) who can advise whether you have grounds for your complaint you can contact your solicitor or get someone else to put forward your complaint e.g. An Advocate, friend or neighbour, as long as they have a letter from you authorizing them to do so write a full account to the Sub Inspector of police in any stations located at Mysore,or to the Commissioner of police, Mysore.
How do I make a complaint?
What will happen to my complaint?
The police force whose officers have been complained about must decide whether to record the complaint.
Less serious complaints
If you would be satisfied with an explanation or an apology where appropriate the police may be able to resolve your complaint informally.
Serious complaints
If an informal approach is not acceptable to you, or if the complaint raises certain more serious allegations, it must be fully investigated by a senior police officer. Higher authorities must notify the most serious complaints to the Commissioner of police as soon as they are recorded. The authority must, by law, supervise certain investigations and in others they may choose to do so.
Supervised cases
The Authority approves the appointment of the Investigating Officer, decides how the inquiry should be carried out, reads all the statements and sees all the evidence. The final report comes to the Authority which states whether it was satisfied or not with the way in which the investigation was carried out.
What will happen after the investigation?
The senior officials of the Mysore Police department must decide whether any criminal charges will be brought against police officers.
The Police Complaints Authority then decides whether or not any police officers should face misconduct proceedings. Action can only be taken if it can be proved than an officer has breached the Code of Conduct.
If there is a misconduct hearing you will be told by the police. You may be asked to attend; indeed you are likely to be an important witness.
It may be that no action is to be taken or the officer is to receive a formal warning or 'advice'.
What if I don't co-operate later?
You should remember that a failure to co-operate, such as by refusing to give a statement, may mean your complaint will not be fully investigated. The authorities of the Mysore Police Department is an organization whose purpose is to see that whenever a complaint is made against a police officer's conduct by a member of the public it is dealt with thoroughly and, above all fairly. The Authority supervises over hundreds of serious complaints a year. Every report is examined to ensure that it has been investigated thoroughly. The Authority recognizes the diversity in society and will handle all cases without bias, fear or favour regardless of ethnicicity, religion or sex or sexual orientation.
courtesy : karnataka police

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