Saturday, April 26, 2014

Law and Order

Law and Order

  • While on duty, Police officers shall be accessible to members of public
  • It is the duty of every Police Officer in charge of an area to keep it peaceful and the public satisfied with the security afforded to persons and property.
  • The jurisdiction of every Police Station is normally divided into convenient areas for service of beats by the Station House Officer by deputing Police Constables/ Head Constables .
  • It is the duty of every Police officer to take all steps necessary, in proper time, to prevent breach of peace or serious riots. In the event, it takes place, all measures shall be taken by him with utmost speed to bring the situation back to normal.
  • Every Police Officer shall maintain close liaison with the important citizens of the area through citizens' committee, peace committee and mohalla committee for the maintenance of peace.
  • It is the duty of every Police Officer to take firm action against antisocial elements, goondas and rowdies in that area.
  • It is the duty of the Police to maintain public order during fairs and festivals, public functions, processions, strikes, agitations etc.
  • No Police Officer shall discriminate on grounds of race, caste, community, language, religion, region, sex or political affiliation.
  • Police Officers may be deputed for a short duration, to maintain order and peace at places of entertainment, etc., by charging fees according to the scale fixed by the Government from time to time.
  • Citizens may contribute to the general well being of the society by rendering all assistance, cooperation and by providing information to Police Officers for the maintenance of law and order.
courtesy : karnataka police

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